The Florida James Bond Club Orlando Section F fan club observed the 50th anniversary of James Bond with a "James Bond Golden 50th" celebration created by Richard and Leslie Skillman.

Held in Orlando, guests were feted to an evening of Gold...entering the event through a faux "Fort Knox" entrance as an Aston Martin DB9, sat out front on display for photos, courtesy of Orlando Aston Martin.

The guests spent time among a variety of tables of Bond collectable items from the Skillman's collection with most items centered around the evening's film, "Goldfinger".
Event sponsor, Jerry Spoto of Bollinger, the champagne of choice by 007, presented a "History of Bond & Bollinger". Jerry shared with the guests a tasting of the 2002 Special Cuvee, and toasted the founding father of James Bond, Ian Fleming and the film production company EON for the legendary franchise they have created. Spoto discussed the film appearances of the bubbly and how Bond and Bollinger began their relationship.

From there, the event opened with a video montage of Bond's greatest scenes and his enjoyment of the Bond lifestyle, which of course, featured beautiful Bond girls, martinis, caviar and more champagne courtesy of Orlando- based Planet Hollywood headquarters .The video was produced to open Planet Hollywood's James Bond event in Las Vegas planned for that evening as well.

The party area featured two bar themes, one was The Vesper Bar where Lindsay Skillman, General Manager of the Disney Swan & Dolphin Resort's Cabana and award-winning mixologist, presented cocktails, developed especially for the 50th celebration. "The Golden 007 50th" and "The Skyfall"...... accompanied by fellow cocktail creator Steve Giguere...these were served along with Bond's famous Vesper Martini. "The SkyFall" consisted of fruit, freezed dried, mixed with liquid nitrogen for the smoke effect and dropped into Chardonnay. The "Bond 50" mix was one shot of Goldwasser with 22 carat gold flakes, shaken with 2 shots of vodka over molded ice blocks. The third cocktail was "The World Is Not Enough" which was a Bond Vesper served with a blue ice sphere.

Across the room, Pussfeller's Tiki Bar from "Dr.No" featured Red Stripe and Heineken beers along with rhum, scotch and tequila drinks for the tropical Bond-minded.
Following cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, host Richard Skillman discussed the upcoming new Bond film, "Skyfall" and the events surrounding the premiere as well as other events recognizing the 50th anniversary. Leslie premiered the new soundtrack single by Adele, "Skyfall" which was released to coincide with the Bond 50th event.

Displaying the new BOND from the BluRay 50th Anniversary set, the guests screened "Goldfinger" in the High Definition theater. Guests remarked on the clarity and significant improvement the Blue Ray editions lend a new experience to viewing the Bond films.

After the film, the event continued with a presentation by Craig Lopus of Tim's Wine Market on "The Ports & Sherries of James Bond Films"..guests sampled a variety of Bond's favorites including Raki from Turkey, Ouzo, Pernod, a whole world of exotic tastes.
No post-Bond event would be complete without Bond dance music accompanied by a traditional after dinner cigar.
The Theme Party People thank Bollinger, Jerry Spoto, Aston Martin Orlando, Bill Bokunic, Lindsay Skillman, Walt Disney Swan & Dolphin Resort, Craig Lopus, Tim's Wine Market, Planet Hollywood for their wonderful support and donations.
James Bond materials © MGM, Sony, United Artists Corporation and Danjaq, LLC. 007 Gun Logo, James Bond, Casino Royale and all other James Bond related trademarks ™Danjaq, LLC. Themepartypeople is an unofficial James Bond genre tour organizer and is not linked to the official James Bond production companies. All original content Copyright TPP Tours